A 24th edition of Folie'Flore rich in water effects!

- 01.10.2024
A long-standing partnership
with new water effects
each year
Our collaboration with Folie'Flore since the early 2000s has been very prolific since each year, we have developed new water effects, and thought together of integrations in magical settings to serve the floral scenography of the show.
Thus, we have presented according to the editions, complete custom-made water shows, original water effects that have surprised and conquered visitors.
To rediscover our work on this show, go to Folie’Flore reference page.

Water curtain in all its forms since our first collaborations
The use of our water curtain has become a specialty of Folie’Flore, which has exploited all its skills and performances. Sometimes with our Aqua Graphic water curtains which have alternately offered real shows synchronized with music and light, or which have dressed an entire room to create a water world, sometimes with our Aquavision water walls which have hosted magical projections, but have also transformed into a tunnel, a boat sail, etc.

Water effects in the main gardens of the 2024 botanical show
The Folie’Flore and Aquatique Show are still preparing some great surprises for you this year. We have developed new water effects together that will integrate some of the themed gardens.
The Garden of Atlantis
This garden draws its inspiration from the legend of Atlantis and its mythical characters. Offering a total immersion in an underwater universe, it presents impressive sand sculptures. You will meet guardians watching over the treasures of Atlantis, as well as Poseidon, Antinea and various sea creatures. A column of water springs from the ceiling, animating the heart of the garden, while balloon bubbles are scattered, creating the illusion of rising to the surface of the water.

The royal garden
This garden evokes the atmosphere of a castle room while offering the splendour of the majestic water jets typical of large French gardens. The classic codes are reinvented here with geometric flowerbeds decorated with salads and large figures draped in dresses and wearing headdresses of cut flowers.
The water-flower garden
This garden, both landscaped and flowery, highlights spectacular water effects. A huge flower-shaped fountain pours impressive jets of water. This exceptional project is the result of the collaboration between apprentices from the UIMM Alsace training center, located in the Fonderie district of Mulhouse, the city's Nature and Green Spaces Department, and Aquatique Show. Fountains emerge in the middle of colourful plantations, coming to life to the rhythm of the music.

To discover at the Mulhouse Exhibition Center from October 3 to 13, 2024:
See also